
The problem with Sexual identity?

The following is a fragment of conversation, from a few years ago, with a friend and fellow OBOD Mentor. As part of an on-going conversation, the subject of sexual identity and self identification came up. This was my comment…

“I have to be honest and say that I’m a little wary about these current discussions of sexual identity. I personally think that it’s a very sharp, double edged sword, especially linked in with everyone’s openness on social media. I think it great that different sexual identities, information and preferences are being openly talked about and are more readily accessible and accepted by the larger society. It’€™s a wonderful and liberating movement and one that I hope continues until different sexualities are just unquestionably accepted by society. The down side, as I see it, is that I think it can put too much pressure on adolescents to identify with a particular label or worse be pigeonholed into a label or expected set of behaviours and preferences. I think it’s too much for society to ask of someone. Preferences and sexuality can change over time and through life experiences and circumstances. For some people their sexuality will never be truly fixed as one thing or another, but be in a state of constant flux. For inexperienced adolescents the world is already a confusing and strange place. I think it’€™s unfair to make someone make absolute decisions like that that can affect the rest of their lives (which is where the problem of social media and it’s incredibly long and unforgiving memory comes in). I think back to something as innocuous as some of the bands and films I liked as a teenager and cringe. I’m glad that there is no social media record other than old photos and friends memories! Preferences can change over time.
I dislike the term ‘gender fluid’€ (because it sounds like something you need to wipe up whilst hoping it doesn’t stain) but I do think it probably applies to many people. I Personally believe that however consenting adults wish to explore and exercise their sexuality and complex relationships in private (ie not actually shagging in the streets) is their business and their business alone”.